Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Dare

I dare you to love me. That is quite the statement, right? There is power to it. For some reason the other day I decided to search the meaning of flowers. When I read what the tiger lily represents, I was impressed. Occasionally in life you are just straight up impressed by how perfect something can piece together. Something will stand out and hit you, and make you stop to consider. It's a wow moment. Something that just happens to make sense and you know it is right for you. You know that there was power in that thought and you were meant to hear it and dwell on it. For as long as I can remember the tiger lily has served as my favorite flower. Ive always had an appreciation for its dauntless and completely unique beauty.  It is bold and stands out from every other flower. It produces large fiery orange petals that are saturated in a quite distinctive design of dark spots. Its very characteristics could be considered blemished or an unbecoming harsh style. Yet, it stands strong with what appears unwavering confidence. A tiger lily is also referred to as a ditch lily for they are commonly found braving the unpleasant ditches and decorating the icky roadsides with their presence. They fight their way through a imperfect scenario and still stand strong and echo a beautiful courage.  Perhaps I admire that quality in them. They stand there bearing their entire soul to the world. Unashamed. I dare you to love me. Love what makes me, me. I stand here, unashamed of who I am. This is it. This is what you get. Love it or not, I'll still be standing here as me. I don't cower in fear and attempt to cover the unique facets of my stripped soul. I don't want you to only want the best side of me. I don't want to cover up my natural side or stage a performance that makes you fall. No. If you are going to love me, you must love me as a whole. Love the good, the bad, the ugly. Every part of me. Fall in love with my worst side. If you can love that, there's a chance you deserve to love the best of me as well. I stand here.  I don't mask ... me. No make up, just my ordinary hair, every day clothes. Thats me. Can you handle it? Can you love it? Can I expose who I really am and you fall for my honesty? I serve no part in a matinee. I show you my weakness. I show you my doubts. I show you my fears of allowing someone in. I show you my insecurity. I show you my flaws. I show you my damaged self. I show you my crazy. Here it is, it is set out for you to see. You'd better make sure you take it all in. You must accept every part of me. If you want any part of me. This is what I offer. So it's your choice. Go ahead. I dare you. I dare you to love me. And then I dare myself to be loved. And to love in return....


  1. The way you put your emotions into words just touched my heart... I always loved lilies, i knew the meaning, increasing my love for them, your words have given a depth to this feeling. Feel free to connect :)

  2. That's what I'm talking about!!!!! Jesus, I feel its perfectly ok that I fantasized about your penis. Somethings do change my love
